How to increase sales on ecommerce website

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1. Promote products on your homepage

If you have several major products or regularly have new products in stock make sure to showcase them on your homepage so that visitors can quickly identify what makes your store special or worth coming to on a frequent basis. Amazon, the number one eCommerce store in the world, features plenty of products on their homepage and changes them frequently to entice returning visitors into buying new products.

Amazon home page products

2. Add login with social media

Many customers are more likely to sign up if they can simply sign up with Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Google plus because this will save their time.


3. Offer multiple payment options

Offering only paypal checkout or one payment option is no longer enough to be successful. Every country has specific checkout and payment preferences; therefore if you sell internationally, offering multiple payment options is a must.

4. Provide multiple delivery options

Only offering ground shipping or one delivery may turn away customers who want faster delivery or those whom are willing to wait longer in order to save on shipping. Many shipping options that might benefit your customers should be considered when setting up shipping for your eCommerce store.

5. Make your website mobile-friendly

Building a responsive, mobile-friendly website or separate mobile site is crucial to getting a strong conversion rate on mobile. Mobile traffic accounts for almost 35% of visits for the average website. 55% of respondents to a study by Adweek say a bad mobile experience hurts their opinion of a brand and 61% will leave to find a better mobile experience.

website mobile friendly

6. Make in-depth product descriptions

You can also treat your customers with comprehensive product descriptions, informing and educating them better compared to your contemporaries, thus luring them to buy from you rather than others.

comprehensive product descriptions

7. Robust search & user friendliness

Having a robust search feature is another feature many customers will use, especially if you have a lot of products. Intelex developers can make a flexible search which understands the singular and plural, ranking is carrying out by relevancy - a kind of Google in local format.

8. Optimize check out for convenience

Optimizing checkout for convenience is critical to reaching a high conversion rate. Offer things like persistent shopping cart, pre-filled information, preserve information when errors are made during checkout, and anything else that will make it easier for your customers to go through the checkout process. Ensure that your forms are clear and easy to use such as clearly marking mandatory fields, making the field length input as long as the input is supposed to be as not to confuse the user.


9. Optimize load speed

Optimizing load speed is another crucial component to eCommerce success as conversion rates significantly decrease once page load time reaches 3 seconds. There are many ways to improve the load speed of your eCommerce store. The best place to start would be to get better hosting and server capacity. Other solutions include minifying your CSS and Javascript, reducing the number of queries to the database, creating image sprites and/or making sure to upload images in the exact dimensions you want them displayed on the site. Intelex developers know ways to optimize page load speed and gain positive results from Google PageSpeed insights and other analytic services.


10. Enable Google Analytics ecommerce conversion tracking

Paying close attention to your Google Analytics eCommerce conversion tracking will give you the insight you need to make the improvements necessary to grow your online store.


Now you know the specific actions you can take to improve your eCommerce store – experienced Intelex developers are here to help. Feel free to drop us a line!

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